• Surveys (in preparation of maintenance campaigns)

Surveys (in preparation of maintenance campaigns)

SCICON worldwide performs surveys of existing structures, buildings & infrastructure with the goal of optimizing the quality and especially the economic aspects of future maintenance operations.

The entire object is subjected to a thorough technical inspection regarding corrosion, the condition of the coating, and also other factors which may have an impact on scheduled or future maintenance.

Some of the parameters investigated are:

  • Extent & nature of corrosion (if present)
  • The general conditions of the coatings present on the object (such as thickness, adhesion, number of layers, type of coatings, ...)
  • Study of the object's corrosion-protection & maintenance-history
  • Determination of the environment-conditions (ISO 12944, ...)
  • Determination of the life expectancy of the maintenance-operation
  • Study of possible constraining factors that may have an impact on maintenance (environment, safety, accessibility, availability, time, ...)
  • ...

These surveys are executed on various types of infrastructure such as bridges, pipe racks, apartment buildings, containment basins, other industrial steel structures, and even complete tank farms.

As per the saying "If you fail to prepare, prepare to fail", SCICON worldwide bvba believes it is of capital importance to prepare a future maintenance operation meticulously!  The smallest factor can easily throw the planning or the concept of the maintenance upside-down at a time when it may be too late to look for alternative solutions, leading to the possible loss of maintenance-investment funds.
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