• Gunnar Ackx elected as next Vice President of SSPC

Gunnar Ackx elected as next Vice President of SSPC

Pittsburgh, PA - 01/07/2014

During the recent annual elections, Gunnar Ackx was not only re-elected to continue a 2nd term as 'member of the Board of Governors' of the SSPC, the Society for Protective Coatings, but Gunnar was also elected as the next Vice President for one of the world's leading organisations in the field of Protective Coatings.

In June of 2014, Gunnar's first term (of 4 years) as 'Member of the Board of Governors' for SSPC, the Society for Protective Coatings (Pittsburgh, USA) expired.  During the recent annual elections, not only was Gunnar re-elected (by the general membership) as Member of the Board of Governors for a 2nd term of 4 years, but also the Board of Governors elected Gunnar Ackx as the next Vice President of the organization, a term that runs from July 1st 2014 until June 30th 2015.  This is the first of 4 official functions once elected as Vice President.  Next up is President-Elect (July 1st 2015 to June 30th 2016), President (July 1st 2016 to June 30th 2017) and Immediate Past President (July 1st 2017 to June 30th 2018).
SSPC is one of the world's leading membership organizations providing Training, Certification and issues Standards in the field of Protective Coatings, Corrosion-Protection, Coating-Inspection, etc...
See www.sspc.org for more information.

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